Saturday, February 9, 2013

Letter to Me

Dear 15-year-old me,

Me at 15.

Nothing is going to ever be perfect. You'll win some and lose some, but how you react to both will define your future.

You may want to get out of Texas now, but you'll miss it every day when you leave.

And one other thing, it will get better after high school.

College will be the best thing that ever happened to you.

You're gonna get your heart broken to pieces by boys, but you are going to break so many more hearts, and it will kill you every time you do. Eventually you just won't care about relationships because you'll realize there are more important things. Like being yourself.

This is still you at 15...what are you doing?

You've already started to try to change the world, and in some ways you'll be successful and in some ways you won't, but you'll never stop trying. You're going to get tired and frustrated because people will only see a young person trying to make a difference, not the difference that everyone should be fighting for.

Your faith in people and testimonies will bounce back and forth, until the only things you are sure of are books, baseball, family and God.

You will try and control every situation before "everything happens for a reason" becomes your life motto.

Your sarcasm will become more potent, but your heart will get softer allowing every type of person into your life. Your parents will call it "picking up strays."

You won't be a college volleyball player because you will dislocate your shoulder, forcing you to reevaluate what you want most in life.

You will only cry when you are angry or stressed. The sadness you have cried for already happened in your life, and you will never want to experience it again.

But there will be one time, second semester freshman year, when your world will fall apart.

And you'll find a way to glue the pieces together. Somehow.

You'll join a sorority. Laugh now, but they will be the greatest people you will ever meet, and they will have the power to make everything clearer.

You will wreck your car...more than once. One will involve looking at a puppy on a sidewalk. The other will be because you looked down when you spilled a slurpee. ALWAYS keep your eyes on the road.

You'll fight with your family.

You'll disappoint Mom and Dad because they expect the best out of you as any parent should.

But more importantly you will make them proud every day of your life.

You will always hate Math, and I promise you will never be good at it.

You will never grow out of your love for superheroes, lotr, Harry Potter or Gilmore Girls.

You will learn that the best nights are on Saturdays curled up with a book. And sometimes being an introvert isn't a bad thing.

You'll make mistakes. And you should. That's how you learn.

You'll make so many more good choices that they will outweigh the wrong ones.

You'll dance and sing and hardly ever get embarrassed.

You'll laugh at yourself, because that's how you move on.

And you'll be happy 10 times out of 10.

There are so many things I want to tell you, but the most important thing'll be ok.


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